Testing the Climate 48x36 oil, gold leaf on canvas

Testing the Climate 48x36 oil, gold leaf on canvas

Testing the Climate 

In Search of Klimt Series

Legends of Mermaids | Testing the Climate

I reach for truth,  for understanding. I am testing my way and "Testing the Climate".  I seek out the legends of mermaids inside of me.  Ibow my head and meditate on oceans that meet exotic lands as the wetness of a pond touches my toes.  I am awakened by magical moons and mystical creatures that measure myjourney towards female fantasy art, how far I had come and how far I could go is up to me.  Did I need wings to fly? Did I need a tail to swim to paint beautiful mermaid art?  

"Your flight my art fairy, is up to you,"  breathed the Wind.  "The moon is right, you need only to find your wings or tail 'in heart' to understand the mermaid legends you seek, to glean from their valuable truths."

I love masks, secrets and hidden treasures.  I keep them well-cared for in my secret garden and pond.   Sweet fairy in art,  inner child in me, with a tear in my eyeI pause.  Reaching out for mybrushes and paintsIfind everything is full ofpotential. The fairies in art, mermaids  in me and in you, gather together in spirit.   It is a pending dance of the sacred.  Close your eyes andtouch your toes into a pond of possibilities.  Meditate and calm your spirit then listen for messages that only a fairy or mermaid can tell you. 

The greatest gift of any "Beginning" is that it holds the opportunity of learning.  Everyone has a starting point, EVERYONE!  So in the "Beginning"  learning may hold some frustrations because it is about problem solving.  I will acquiescence because problems may not be considered problems if they bring us to the point of experiencing the present moment.  'Now', which is experiencing life as it is in the very second we live it, is the greatest gift of all. Would you smell a rose the day after she lenther fragrance to you?  'Tis best to smell the rose upon first being introduced to her.  After smelling the rose that so gracefully shared her essence, I can indeed remember her intent and carry it with me to discover new things that might enhance new treasures.  It is the mingling of the present moment with things learned that make the adventure of knowledge such an amazing gift. 

While "Testing the Climate" I am testing my motivations and conflicts.  Does mermaid art need an ocean or a mermaid a tail to capture their story?   As I so lovingly collect the objects of learning and accept lace and whispers from the women I paint,  I become transfixed on my goal. I embrace smelling the fragrance offered at the very second it is available and keeping that treasure within me always.  I learn from legends of mermaids and accept that everything I need to fly or swim is here inside of me,  right here,  right now